B. Braun Indonesia donates 170,000 masks to healthcare workers during COVID-19 pandemic

B. Braun Indonesia donates 170,000 masks to healthcare workers during COVID-19 pandemic

This donation is distributed to more than 30 hospitals specialized in COVID-19 treatment throughout Indonesia. Deliveries were made from the warehouse to the hospital directly effective Thursday, 2 April 2020.

President Director of B. Braun Indonesia, Rainer Ruppel, explained that this donation is the reflection of B. Braun’s commitment as a responsible company to protect and improve the health of the people in Indonesia. "For nearly 40 years, B. Braun has consistently provided medical and healthcare products and services in Indonesia focused on process optimization, safety, partnerships, and progress. Today, we continue our commitment to this nation by actively supporting medical staff against COVID-19," added Rainer.

B. Braun Indonesia has implemented a work-from-home system since March 17, 2020, for all employees in the sales office. All internal and/or external activities involving large groups, are suspended. The initiative is carried out to protect employees from the possibility of being exposed to COVID-19 infection. This practice will continue until an undetermined time.

On the other hand, B. Braun Indonesia took various initiatives to ensure the delivery activity, basic solutions production, and technical service continue to run. We strive to ensure that supply needs, patient therapy, and medical therapy support are not disrupted. These services remains by modifying working hours and equipping employees with additional healthcare protection.

About B. Braun

With over 62,000 employees in 64 countries, B. Braun is one of the world’s leading healthcare companies specializing in 16 therapy areas. In 2019, B. Braun achieved 7.48 miliar Euro of sales. Around the world, B. Braun products are renowned for the highest quality and safety standards. In Indonesia, we are strongly committed to fulfilling our vision to protect and improve health. We serve healthcare professionals with innovative medical products and solutions; and through the establishment of a state-of-the art pharmaceutical factory in Karawang.

More information, please visit www.bbraun.co.id


B. Braun Indonesia kirimkan donasi 170,000 masker kepada tenaga kesehatan menghadapi pandemi COVID-19

Donasi ini didistribusikan ke lebih dari 30 Rumah Sakit khusus COVID-19 di seluruh Indonesia. Pengiriman dilakukan dari lokasi penyimpanan langsung ke Rumah Sakit tujuan mulai dari Kamis, 2 April 2020.

President Director B. Braun Indonesia, Rainer Ruppel, menjelaskan bahwa donasi ini adalah bentuk komitmen B. Braun sebagai perusahaan yang bertanggung jawab untuk melindungi dan meningkatkan taraf kesehatan masyarakat di Indonesia. “Selama hampir 40 tahun, B. Braun telah hidup di Indonesia menyediakan produk dan layanan yang berfokus pada optimisasi proses, keamanan, kemitraan, dan kemajuan. Hari ini, kami meneruskan komitmen kami bagi bangsa ini dengan aktif mendukung petugas medis melawan COVID-19,” tambah Rainer.

B. Braun Indonesia mengimplementasikan sistem work-from-home sejak 17 Maret 2020 bagi seluruh karyawan di kantor penjualan, dan menunda seluruh kegiatan internal dan/ atau eksternal yang melibatkan kelompok besar. Inisiatif tersebut dilakukan sebagai upaya perlindungan karyawan dari kemungkinan terpapar COVID-19, dan akan terus berlangsung hingga waktu yang belum ditentukan.

Di sisi lain, mengantisipasi suplai kebutuhan, terapi pasien, dan alat pendukung terapi di Rumah Sakit tidak mengalami gangguan, B. Braun Indonesia mengambil beragam langkah untuk memastikan aktifitas pengiriman, produksi larutan dasar, dan teknisi alat pendukung terapi, tetap berjalan. Aktifitas tersebut dilakukan dengan memodifikasi jam kerja dan dukungan ekstra fasilitas kesehatan bagi karyawan

Tentang B. Braun

Dengan lebih dari 62.000 karyawan di 64 negara di dunia, B. Braun merupakan perusahaan alat kesehatan terdepan di dunia yang berfokus di 16 area terapi. Pada tahun 2019, B. Braun berhasil meraih penjualan sebesar 7.48 miliar Euro. Produk B. Braun di seluruh dunia memiliki standar kualitas dan keamanan tertinggi. Di Indonesia, kami berkomitmen memenuhi visi kami untuk melindungi dan meningkatkan taraf kesehatan. Kami mendukung praktisi kesehatan dengan produk dan solusi medis yang inovatif; dan melalui pendirian pabrik infus larutan dasar di Karawang.

Informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi www.bbraun.co.id


Contact person:

Antonia Enny Indrayanti
Director of Human Resource & Corporate Communications
B. Braun Indonesia
Phone     : +62 21 5290 7177
Email      : enny.indrayanti@bbraun.com